Active members of St. James Alpharetta can promote their businesses by adding them to our online directory.

Please email we will respond shortly.

  • Find Your Business: Search for your business name in the directory.
  • Claim Your Profile: Look for a "Claim" button or icon on the right side of your business listing. Click on it!
  • Complete Verification: A pop-up window will appear. Enter your information, such as your name, email address, and phone number.
  • Submit Your Claim: Once you've filled out the details, click "Submit."
  • Verification Email: You'll receive an email notification letting you know whether your claim has been approved or denied.

Simply click on this link and fill out the form on the right that has "Register" as the title. Fill out the form and check your email for the approved confirmation.

Boost your business visibility by adding your promotion to our directory. Login to update your profile today.

Click on the link below to reset your password and check your email for the reset password or click HERE.

This directory is exclusive to active members of St. James Alpharetta.

To permanently delete your account, send an email request to

  • Locate the Share Icon: On your business profile, look for an icon that typically resembles a small arrow pointing upwards or a chain link.
  • Click to Share: When you click this icon, a pop-up window will appear.
  • Choose Your Platform: From the pop-up, select your preferred social media platform (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).
  • Share Your Profile: Follow the platform's specific sharing instructions to post your business profile link.

Image Requirements:

  • Size: 720 pixels wide by 420 pixels tall (720x420)
  • Maximum size: 2 MB
  • File types: PNG, JPG, JPEG
  • Number of images: Upload up to 8 images for your gallery.

Uploading Images:

  1. Go to the listing form page.
  2. Locate the image upload section.
  3. Click the "Upload Image" button and select your desired images from your computer.
  4. Repeat for up to 8 images.


  • Ensure your images meet the size and file type requirements to avoid upload errors.
  • For best results, use high-quality images that are clear and well-lit.

For more information you can review this page: